Visitor from Cambridge

Last Thursday on 28th November, there was a guest teacher from Cambridge at our school. Her name is Charlotte and she is a teacher at Cambridge EF, a language school with students from all over the globe. I really like her English accent and the way she designed her presentation. After she had introduced herself, she explained the rules of a game. The aim of the game is to come up with a lot of Christmas related words, but with a twist. The game starts with the word Christmas, so we needed to find a word with the last letter of the former word, in this case with a “s”, for example: snow, sledge and many more.
After that she started asking us about our knowledge of different Christmas traditions in countries around the world. The entire class laughed after we had found out that in Japan it is a tradition to eat at KFC on Christmas Eve.
Next, she showed us a video about different Christmas traditions. To me the weirdest tradition is in Greenland. Did you know that they eat raw whales’ skin and a seabird that was fermented in seal skin for a few months? I’m not too keen to try that!
At the end of the lesson, she quizzed us about the information we had learned about the different Christmas traditions. It was a really nice lesson and I had a fun time.
Mia Weiss, Course 7a, English with Mrs. Bittis